UX Design

Create a interactive toy or game concept for 5th grade students from a Foldger's coffee can keeping them engaged and interested. Test game at at Windsor Elementary in Spokane, WA to assess usability and user experience. Students will pick a winning game based off the game experience and overall concept. This was a project for my UX2 course at EWU.​​​​​​​
Client: EWU, User Experience Design 2

My Role: User Research & UI Design, UX Designer

Design Solution: Cannon Ball is a fun, active game where you must follow the challenge cards and throw the cannon ball into the can before it explodes! If you make it in the given amount of time, you keep the card. If you miss, pass the card to the next player and until the ball is made into the can by a in the given amount of time. Player to have the most cards at the end wins! Additionally, Cannon Ball has an interactive app where players can keep track of their score and time to play on the go and everywhere!

I tested my game Cannon Ball at Windsor Elementary one of the 5th grade classrooms. After about an hour of testing without interacting with the kids, they wrote down their reviews of which game they liked best. 

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